My favorite website are,, and enjoy using these websites because they entertain me and are very interesting.For instance on one of the websites I am able to talk with my family, and friends all around the world.Another thing that I am able to do on one of my favorite web sites it look for directions to get to places or sometimes even do research. That is where I get help when I have school projects that I have to turn in.On I am able to see the new arrivals of shoes and purses of my favorite name brand.
.Some of my career choices are Massage therapy,Medical Assistant, and Criminal Justice.Some of the reaons why I choose these as my career choices is because it is that i enjoy doing.That makes my time go by fast, and don't get bored when I'm doing it.Massage Therapy is something that I like doing because it release stress from my hand, as it releases the stress from the person getting the massage.As for Medical Assistant it was something that I liked doing since I was a child.My grandparents would buy me use to buy me doctor toy's and i enojoyed playing with them.Criminal Justice is something that I also seem to like I guess becuase I'm going through a situation right now that has to do with criminal justice and I liked what they do.
Type in Web Master Information
Practice Web Site for Dreamweaver
Web Publishing Course 3187
Sweetwater High School
Last modified: April 9, 2010
Web Page designed by C.R.